

Because any good personal endeavor should carry some kind of penalty for non-completion, I propose this: I will donate a penny per page to charity for each page I don't read before the year is up.

To begin, I've created a LibraryThing collection of the books in my room, and I will work from there for the challenge. Any book that is up at that site, and doesn't earn the "Done" designation before 12/21/2012 will be subject to the donation rule, including partially finished reads.

Since I know I'm going to be unable, or unwilling, to read everything I've secreted away on my shelf, I've asked my good friend Blaster to be Magistrate of my undertaking. She will be allowed to swap books on my shelf for a different book (of her choosing), or to design a challenge that would remove the book from my list, without my having to read it.

These rules will be refined and clarified, but for now, it's time to read.

1 comment:

  1. And I'm proud to be your magistrate! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures in reading. (and guess who feels like a complete dork saying so? Yes, this lady right here!)
