I suppose at this point the $64,000 question is "Why have a blog if you don't post to it and does your silence mean you aren't reading as much as you should be?"
Touche, me-pretending-I'm-you. Yes, it means I haven't been reading enough. I've been distracted of late and I'll tell you how, in no particular order.
The Y - A few years ago I joined the YMCA and lost a bunch of weight, then promptly gained most of it back. Last fall I made some lifestyle changes and decided the Y might be a good substitute for some of my poorer decisions. Then Christmas and New Years happened. I have been back the past 2 weeks though, and going almost daily. I'm still looking for a goal, or some motivation. Is there a shirtless holiday about 6 months off I should know about?
Television/Wall - I sold my TV to a coworker last year in an effort to spend less time idolizing it (I hope he is enjoying it still.) My roomate, however, has a projector. Fortunately for me, I haven't spent all my time watching it. Just some/lots of my time. One note: Grumpy Old Men is a fantastic movie and I don't regret at all having watched it last week.
Work - One would think that working at a bookstore is helpful to reading, but no. In a perfect world I'd set a time every day for reading, say 10am-2pm, and stick with it. The world isn't perfect though, and I work a somewhat random schedule. Add to that the constant temptation to buy more, different books and you've got a recipe for not getting things done.
You didn't expect me to be so predictable, did you? Truly, I am dull, folks.
I am still reading, I promise, and I will have a post up about my most recent conquest shortly, as well as a recap of my first month of reading every book I own. In summary: not done yet.